

  1. Fix ThaumCraft exception during chunk loading, could cause chunk resets. (commit: 6ea9a76) (details)
Commit 6ea9a765b75ea0230ed07ac4636007175aceda1e by rallanpcl
Fix ThaumCraft exception during chunk loading, could cause chunk resets. Fix TE locking to avoid some situations where two TEs could update adjacent to another TE at the same time. Make chunkloading not reset a chunk if loading a chunk fails due to a mod failing to handle the ChunkData load event

Signed-off-by: Ross Allan <[email protected]>
(commit: 6ea9a76)
The file was modifiedresources/patches-deobfuscated.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/common/me/nallar/tickthreading/minecraft/tickregion/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/common/me/nallar/patched/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/common/me/nallar/tickthreading/minecraft/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/common/me/nallar/patched/ (diff)