

  1. Remove Railcraft's verificaiton of IC2/forestry/RP's certificates. I (commit: e301e72) (details)
Commit e301e7274bcba6b57b4cc82cd80a023b9f95df48 by rallanpcl
Remove Railcraft's verificaiton of IC2/forestry/RP's certificates. I don't even - why does it kill the server if other mods are modified? I wouldn't even have to patch railcraft if it didn't do this. :/

Signed-off-by: Ross Allan <[email protected]>
(commit: e301e72)
The file was modifiedresources/patches-deobfuscated.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/common/me/nallar/tickthreading/minecraft/tickregion/ (diff)