

  1. Override canCommandSenderUseCommand (commit: 8eb7af5) (details)
  2. Improve quarry performance. (commit: 814b450) (details)
Commit 8eb7af5741c0abf6e65772cd4b66074c7a83b35e by zpiddock
Override canCommandSenderUseCommand

This allows users to use the /Buildcraft command without needing to
enable cheats in the world creation menu
(commit: 8eb7af5)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/core/ (diff)
Commit 814b450719f14e9c9beb6067ff607298d3f09dcc by rallanpcl
Improve quarry performance.

Reduce getBlockId calls in canChangeBlock/isSoftBlock to one, add canChangeBlock/isSoftBlock with blockID parameter to allow for only a single getBlockId call per block checked for the visit list.
Use heightmaps when building visit list to increase performance when checking a mostly empty quarry

Signed-off-by: Ross Allan <[email protected]>
(commit: 814b450)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/factory/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/core/utils/ (diff)