

  1. touchups: requester/zone planner recipes, tooltip/GUI improvements, (commit: f17f0cc) (details)
  2. touch-ups: fix lang typo, fix tooltip delay in zone planner (commit: 6813d98) (details)
  3. fix style (commit: 2c36031) (details)
  4. update changelog, version info (commit: ffb659b) (details)
  5. fix #2140 (commit: 4ea4bb9) (details)
Commit f17f0cc9d7475b9bd81c2647395bf4c2def2d839 by asiekierka
touchups: requester/zone planner recipes, tooltip/GUI improvements, adding missing langnames
(commit: f17f0cc)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/commander/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/ (diff)
The file was modifiedbuildcraft_resources/assets/buildcraft/lang/en_US.lang (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/core/gui/tooltips/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/builders/gui/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/commander/ (diff)
Commit 6813d9882f597672c79ac5ac9eb0f1b33dbd3422 by asiekierka
touch-ups: fix lang typo, fix tooltip delay in zone planner
(commit: 6813d98)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/commander/ (diff)
The file was modifiedbuildcraft_resources/assets/buildcraft/lang/en_US.lang (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/core/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/core/network/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/builders/ (diff)
Commit ffb659bc7c0a5529393901c8bac03be869c32390 by asiekierka
update changelog, version info
(commit: ffb659b)
The file was addedbuildcraft_resources/changelog/6.1.5
The file was modifiedbuildcraft_resources/versions.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedcommon/buildcraft/factory/ (diff)